Making Sense of What's What

Welcome to Making Sense of What's What!!!

This blog is devoted to addressing those issues which impact our daily lives. Political, educational, relational and transitional issues are all grist for the mill. Life is personal and my need is to personally share with you those things and issues that impact me and others of us as we move through our daily experiences.

Thank you for checking in.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Trump Sending Our Children To Their Death, Is A Step Too Far…

How is it possible for us, as fellow human beings, to accept an order from Donald Trump, demanding all parents send their children to their possible death, by forcing them to attend school during this Covid-19 Pandemic? Along with the children’s welfare being compromised, the lives of their families, teachers and school personnel are likewise threatened by a Pandemic that has already taken 136,000 lives in five weeks.
Trump has also ordered adults to return to work, in spite of the dangers of the coronavirus. What would cause him to do this? What possesses one human being to treat and disregard other human beings in this way?

First of all, he believes that the coronavirus is a hoax, a trumped up scam by liberals to deny him reelection in November.

Second, he wants the economy to return what it was before the pandemic hit our shores and that won’t happen if people stay at home and don’t go to work.

Third, if the economy doesn’t return to its old ways, Trump knows there is no chance for him to be reelected. His only solution is to send people back to work, regardless how much their lives are threatened with illness or death.

What kind of a person would think in these terms or behave in this way?   Or, is he a compassionless, sociopath who gives not a damn about anybody else, but himself.
After nearly four years in the public’s eye, with his over 19,000 lies, his refusal to behave within the parameters of law abiding citizens, his destruction of everything Obama, his refusal to acknowledge the three separate and equal branches of government, his inexcusable alliance with Putin, his disbelief of his intelligence agencies input about Russia’s involvement in the 2016 Presidential Election, his refusal to believe in Climate change and, our current pandemic, his destruction of treaty agreements with our allies; what kind of a freak show are we allowing to run ramped, all because we have a delusional, sociopath sitting in the Oval Office.

How can sane, intelligent, caring people stand by and watch this horror story play itself out, at the cost of peoples’ lives, and the destruction of American values and institutions. His treatment of children who are being torn away from their parents in attempting to rightfully seek asylum in the United States, is going to emotionally scar those children for the rest of their lives. He could care less.  Why because he has no compassion for anyone.  All he cares about is himself and gaining what he wants, to hell with anyone else.

The problem with a Trump-like person is that they always, in someway, crash and burn. Their Karma always catches up with them. Hitler finally found his bunker.

Trump’s delusional world is such that if people don’t believe what he believes, they are either ‘fake news,’ or lying or are being unfair and mistreating of him. In his eyes he is always being victimized by others reactions to his words and actions. In truth, he never looks into the mirror and reflects on what he has said or done, that has caused others to react to him for who he is. In this, Trump is unfit to run again for reelection.  He is unfit to be President of the United States.


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