Making Sense of What's What

Welcome to Making Sense of What's What!!!

This blog is devoted to addressing those issues which impact our daily lives. Political, educational, relational and transitional issues are all grist for the mill. Life is personal and my need is to personally share with you those things and issues that impact me and others of us as we move through our daily experiences.

Thank you for checking in.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

For Trump, By Losing, He Wins

It has been an ongoing suspicion of mine that Donald Trump’s candidacy for President is nothing more than a con job being played out on the American people. When you look at the kinds of outrageous things that he has said to get a rise out of audiences, his doing nothing strategically or logistically that would assure him of having a successful nation wide campaign, and his being delusional enough to think that he can get away with such assurances as “believe me, I’m good at making deals,” what are we to believe? The idea that he is an innovator and is breaking the existing mold for a candidate for national office is a part of the con that the media reinforces.

 While he is his most entertaining self when he spontaneously makes outrageous statements such as “John McCain is a loser,” or that “Hillary Clinton is a bigot,” or “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, okay, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay” these are examples of his reckless, disregarding free form way of approaching life. His words and behaviors bring out the worst in certain segments of the public and cast a pall of decadence over our whole political process. 

 He also has a reoccurring tendency to play the victim card as a way of his not taking responsibility for the consequences of his words and behavior. He has said on more than one occasion, that the election “is rigged against me,” and that “the media is against me.” Such statements give him a needed face saving way out of losing the election.

No serious candidate who is committed to running for President thinks in terms of losing the race two months before the election. He has already suggested that if he loses the election, he will go back to a nice life and make tons of money, while poor Hillary will be dealing with issue after issue and only making $400,000 a year.

Trump seems to be all about the excitement and rush of the conquest and the reactions of the crowd and not about the responsibility, commitment, and privilege of governing a nation. In his world, it is all about “me” and not about we.  In truth, if he were to win the election, he would be pouring himself into a straight jacket of required expectations and behaviors that run counter to who he is.

In Trumps world, by his doing things that ensure his losing the election, blaming his defeat on the “rigged elections” and “negative media coverage” and not having to pour himself into a straight jacket of required expectations and behaviors, he would actually be a winner.