Making Sense of What's What

Welcome to Making Sense of What's What!!!

This blog is devoted to addressing those issues which impact our daily lives. Political, educational, relational and transitional issues are all grist for the mill. Life is personal and my need is to personally share with you those things and issues that impact me and others of us as we move through our daily experiences.

Thank you for checking in.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Trump’s Mindless Abuse of Power

I was noticing that the voting lines in many places, Georgia for example, are too long, too few and are not helpful for those who are infirmed, or those who are concerned about being exposed to the coronavirus. So what is wrong with using mail- in-ballots? People can stay at home and simply mail them in to be counted.  There is a paper trail.  Utah has been using this method for over 150 years. People in the military have used mail in ballots for years. I have used absente ballots. It is truly a simple and stupid solution to the need to simplify our access to voting, so why any pushback at all?

It has become an issue because the current abuse of power occupant of the Oval Office has asserted that there is too much voter fraud and using voting by mail will make too much fraud, into overwhelming fraud, when the fact is that there is virtually no voting fraud in the United States at all.

In fact, what Trump and the Republican’s are saying is that IF there isn’t someway to stop the Democrats from voting, the party of Trump and the Senate majority, what I refer to as the abusers of power will lose. As a result the Trump and Moscow Mitch club are trying, in everyway to reduce the democrats access to voting options; fewer voting precincts, proof of citizenship, you name it, they will do it, just to stop people from voting, just to make sure that the democratic majority will not will win the 2020 Presidency and Senate.

Trump has asserted that to make sure that no one can cast a mail in ballot, he is going to close down all post offices.  The United States Postal Service will be put out of existence. Along with those closures, 100,000 veterans, who after their military service, have served their country through the post office, will lose their jobs. Thank you for your service.

Why do I refer to the current occupant of the Oval Office as I do? His assertion and belief that he knows more than the generals comes to mind. His opening the doors to people being even more exposed to the coronavirus by ‘returning America’ to the way it was before the coronavirus pandemic, comes to mind. Behaving like this, when we continue to be ignorant about the intricacies of this virus and its spread comes to mind. And Trump has never believed that the Pandemic was ever real in the first place. In his delusional world, ‘it will simply disappear.

Oh, by the way, his reason for returning America back to the way it was before the coronavirus Pandemic is to bring back the economy to the place it was before the Pandemic. His ‘reasoning’ is that if people stay home, the economy continues to tank and so do his chances of being reelected. If he throws citizens back to work, the economy might return to its former humming ways and HE might be reelected to a second term. What he fails to care about is, at what cost?  More people contracting the virus, more people dying, and, for what, his slight chance of winning his reelection. What little compassion for other members of the human family, what disregard for the lives and families of the United States, what a blatant display of his ‘me V.S. we’ approach to ‘leadership.’

Do you remember what he said about Hillary’s winning the popular vote by three million votes. It was those ‘illegal’ California immigrants that were responsible for that winning majority. What is his continual lying all about?  Who in their right mind would believe anything this guy might say?

 And, then there are any number of ‘tweets’ that reveal his ‘reasoning,’ ‘thought process,’ and, again his ‘lies.’ For the 75 year old man who was pushed by the police, he tweeted ‘Buffalo Protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to block out the equipment. @oann I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up.’ Again, mindless abuse of power, asserting facts that have no basis in reality…

We are better than this. We deserve more than this. We can see through the mindlessness and the stupid and see the truth.   Someday, we shall over come this freak show. In the meantime, we need to keep the faith.  Namaste

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