Making Sense of What's What

Welcome to Making Sense of What's What!!!

This blog is devoted to addressing those issues which impact our daily lives. Political, educational, relational and transitional issues are all grist for the mill. Life is personal and my need is to personally share with you those things and issues that impact me and others of us as we move through our daily experiences.

Thank you for checking in.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Living In A Fantasy World: Twenty-First Century Delusional Thinking

It is okay to destroy our planet, polluting the air we breathe and the water we drink, as long as it is for financial gain…

In San Bruno, P.G.E. was responsible for destroying 38 homes and killing 6 people, in order to save money for needed maintenance on at risk gas pipes lines...

After research found that the bolts they contracted to use were faulty, Caltrans used those very bolts because the original contract they signed called for using those same defective bolts...

Caltrans paid a man a 40 million dollar bonus for completing a faulty bridge ahead of schedule...

Conservatives who do not like the federal government, refuse to pass legislation for nearly five years, and choose to close it down just to prove that government does not work.

One mentally disturbed individual kills 20 kindergarten and first grade students, along with 8 adults, and mental health funds are cut because such atrocities can not be prevented...

Oppose every proposal a Black President makes, to ensure his failed Presidency...

When a Black President attempts to use his Executive Powers to finally get something done, in the face of a do nothing Congress,
he is criticized for over achieving and acting like a dictator.

Destroy a nations economy because people can get
away with greed and fraud...

After 2008, Main Street bails out Wall Street, and Wall Street Flourishes...Then, Wall Street turns its back on Main Street, and Main Street flounders...

A dictator slaughters hundreds of thousands of citizens and barrel bombs towns into rubble, to preserve a failed dictatorship...

Greed creates our best results, in the belief that we are not a society, we are only individuals...

We superimpose our “democratic” form of government and political culture, onto a tribal, war lord dominant culture, that has been at war with itself for centuries and then, deny that we have destabilized the region and have created a political vacuum that has allowed groups like Isil to come into existence.

The Electoral College has selected someone President who has demonstrated the following:
• He is someone who lost the popular vote by three million votes, and has claimed that the three million votes he lost by were cast by illegal emigrants.
• He is someone who demonstrates ignorance on essential  subjects that relate to his role as President, who is intellectually lazy, delusional, a narcissist who lies and denies that he has lied.
• He is someone who is a misogynist, is xenophobic, a racist, and, has a history of being a sexual predator.
• He is someone who serves as a role model for our children, his leadership is the face of American for the rest of the world to see, and he engages in unfiltered Twitter Tantrums on a daily basis.
• He is someone who has said that it is his task to make America great, again, that he is the only one who can solve America’s problems.
• And, he is someone who, after nearly a year in office, wants the Congress to pass something, anything, no matter who it hurts, to be able to say that his administration has done something, anything so he doesn’t look like a loser as the 2018 election season draws near.

 One group that will be hurt by the new G.O.P. tax plan that cuts corporate taxes from 35% to 20%, will be the nine million children whose health care has been cut because there is not be enough money in the government coffers to pay for it.

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