Making Sense of What's What

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This blog is devoted to addressing those issues which impact our daily lives. Political, educational, relational and transitional issues are all grist for the mill. Life is personal and my need is to personally share with you those things and issues that impact me and others of us as we move through our daily experiences.

Thank you for checking in.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Our Impeachmenet Drama: What It Is Really All About...

In the midst of our current Impeachment drama, we are facing numerous examples of hypocrisy on the part of the GOP.  Their cries of ‘fowl play’ are amazing for the blatancy and transparency of their lying about the truth of the House process of inquiry regarding Trump’s behavior. There is also a thickly coated hypocrisy as the GOP criticize the Democrats for the very things that they did as they attacked Hillary Clinton with conspiracy theories regarding her email and Bengasi, that were proven to be baseless.

The GOP’s first lie is to say that the closed hearings are excluding the GOP’s involvement in the proceedings. That is patently not true.  Members of the he GOP are present in those meetings and have equal assess to listen and question those who are being examined by the various committees.

A second lie is that there will be no public hearings provided, for the public to have access to what is being said in private.  To begin with, the transcripts of what has been shared have been made known to the media and public.  And, there are scheduled public hearings being arranged so that the public will have the opportunity to hear from informants what is being said about Trump’s behavior that is serving as grounds for his Impeachment.

The third lie is that Trump is being railroaded in secret, behind closed doors, in the same fashion as people are treated in Russian interrogation sessions. Does the GOP really think that all 108 thousand people who didn’t vote in the last Presidential Election added to Clinton’s nearly 66 thousand voters are really that stupid? And, it needs to be added that Trump’s ‘I am always the victim’ shtick is getting very old and predictable. Anyone with a modicum self reflection would wonder why it is that there are people don’t like me? Could it be you words and/or actions that turn people off?

Then, you have the sophomoric arguments by the GOP regarding whether or not Trump has done anything wrong. And  if he did do something wrong and is guilty of violating the Constitution, does what he did raise to the level of seriousness as to lead to his removal from office? Anyone who has read the facts of the matter, if they are true, can only conclude that his withholding of House appropriated funds for Ukraine’s defense against Russian attacks, unless Trump gained ‘dirt’ on Biden, his potential foe in the 2020 Presidential campaign, is a crime against the Constitution. Simply put, Trump committed bribery, which is an impeachable offense. His many other examples of obstruction of justice individually or collectively would be grounds for Impeachment on their own.

And, the final insult to the American people by the GOP, is to perpetuate   lies in their defense of Trump. They do this by misstating the truth, answering a question with a question, ‘what abouting,’ all over the place, talking over the person who is doing the questioning in interviews, obviously sticking to ‘talking points’ regardless of the questions being asked of them. What is at stake in this matter is whether the House and Senate are going to defend their Constitutional Duty in addressing Trump’s behavior, and in up holding the basic Constitutional reality of ‘separation of powers.’ Or, are they going to play the politics of self-serving survival.  

Being leaders in a democracy is not child’s play.  It requires adults addressing adult issues that arise in order for our very political, governmental, public service and defense institutions to be maintained and improved upon. Our very survival as the United States requires thoughtful, honest adult responses to those who want to destroy our very way of life.   

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