Making Sense of What's What

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This blog is devoted to addressing those issues which impact our daily lives. Political, educational, relational and transitional issues are all grist for the mill. Life is personal and my need is to personally share with you those things and issues that impact me and others of us as we move through our daily experiences.

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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Observations On How Trump Attempts To Destroy Our American Values And Way Of Life

Donald Trump lies, denies, deflects any semblance of truth away from himself and ”gaslights” everything. When he talks from his delusional world, he sounds like the guy who is rousing up his base…when he talks about reality, he is incoherent, rambling, his thinking is fragmented and on a level of a fourth grader with language processing issues. What’s the difference?  When he is in his delusional world, he is at one with himself and has his delusional reality mastered…when he is talking in the world of reality, he is at a loss, stumbles all over the place and is an embarrassment to himself, to the citizens of the United States and a joke to citizens of the world. He makes claims that the tear gas we used on immigrants at the Mexican border are “very safe.” He blamed immigrants with children “for being in harm’s way.”

His past two years as President have been a time of destroying programs that were set up to assist and protect members of our American Family.  He has attempted to undercut our national security agencies, our judicial institutions, he has supported those who want to destroy public education, and reversed programs that ensure clean water and clean air. His has attempted to dismantle those regulatory efforts to make sure that when seniors seek information on their retirement programs, they are assured to have their welfare the center piece of their negotiations with their consultant, not the financial welfare of the consultant or the company he represents. His insistence that global climate change is not true despite the recently completed comprehensive report on the negative impact on climate change and our economy because 'I’m too intelligent to believe the climate change report.' At another point he asserted “I don’t believe it, that if every other place on Earth is dirty, that’s not so good.”

He has had dealings with Russians to gain loans for his various business ventures. Both of his sons have publically stated that the majority of their money has come from the Russian Oligarchy and, yet, Trump denies having any business ties with the Russians. He has receive loans from the Saudis that have bailed him our of two bankruptcy situations, and he says he has no ties with the people who our CIA have identified as having murdered Saudi Washington Post journalist, Jamal Khashoggi.

Trump’s time in the Oval Office is a freak show playing in front of our faces every day of the week.  Sadly, there are those who are ill informed, unschooled in how government is suppose to work, poorly versed in the writings of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and, as a result, are easily influenced by the Fox News and other propaganda producing sources. 

Trump’s need to be the center of attention runs his efforts to do away with bilateral negotiations, people working together for the benefit of all and, instead, wants to be the center piece for making a deal…he wants to be the big deal maker that his delusional world says that he is. His ignorance about the facts and history of addressing issues involved with negotiations is evident in everything he touches. In addition, he was totally unaware that Putin mocked him in Helsinki when he offered to have his intelligence people join together with our CIA and FBI to find out about our election problems. Before that he was manipulated by Kim Jong Un to believe that North Korea was to be trusted to ‘denuclearize’ the Korean Peninsula when, in fact, reports have indicated that their program has expanded.

We deserve and can do better than this as American Citizens.  Our job is to listen, to learn about issues and to participate in our electoral process.  If people are getting exercised about some person or issue, use that conflicting energy as a warning that someone wants you to believe something that might not be true.  All of us are ignorant about something…ignorance is overcome by becoming informed…that is something we can all achieve. Our form of government depends on informed consent.  Without being informed, we are at the mercy of people like Donald Trump and Fox News, Putin and Un. There are facts and we need to be able to separate facts from opinions. Contrary to what Trump asserts, there is no such thing as alternative facts.  Alternative facts are a lie. And, we need to know the difference.

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