Making Sense of What's What

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This blog is devoted to addressing those issues which impact our daily lives. Political, educational, relational and transitional issues are all grist for the mill. Life is personal and my need is to personally share with you those things and issues that impact me and others of us as we move through our daily experiences.

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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Trump, Better Suited to a Psychiatric Unit Than to the Oval Office


Recently, Donald Trump and his running mate, J.D. Vance, told the world, that in Springfield, Ohio, Haitian immigrants are stealing pets from neighbors and were eating them. These immigrants, it was further stated, were in the United States illegally. Trump’s implication being that these or any immigrants cannot be trusted and are a blight to our way of life. He has gone so far as to say that ‘immigrants are poisoning the blood of our communities.’ He is constantly and flagrantly spreading racism when it comes to those who are not white. 


In truth, these folks are legally in the United States, they do not steal and eat the pets of their neighbors. In fact, they have helped save Springfield from becoming a waste land of declining population. These fifteen thousand people from Haiti, not the thirty-four thousand that Trump says, are saving the economy of Springfield by their working in the factories and in other areas of need in the community.


Since Trump and Vance have lied about the Haitians in Springfield, there have been bomb threats all over the community. Schools have been closed, children and the families of children are living in an environment of constant fear, not knowing what to expect next.


Trump and Vance acknowledge that they are comfortable lying about what they are saying. What they say, Vance offers, is intended to force Americans to face issues that they would not otherwise face. In misspeaking the truth, they are also making it difficult to address the realities of issues that plague us as our democratic community. If you cannot believe what you are being told, how can you make the decisions that are necessary for our society to grow and to heal.  


What this misinformation about Springfield shows is how Trump creates conflict and hardship on minority groups who migrate into the United States. He has no regard for the negative impact that his assertions have on others. As a sociopath, he has no regards for the feelings and needs of others. As a sociopath, he lies as a matter of course. He cannot be believed and yet the suffering and fear that he creates in what he says is unconscionable. His belief in the use of violence against those who are not in his favor is real and his goons will harass individuals and families all over the United States. The Proud Boys recently began walking the streets of Springfield. It used to be that if a public figure were to threaten fellow citizens with physical injury, he or she could be arrested, tried in court, and sent to jail. Why is Trump getting a free pass in what he says and threatens?


Trump’s narcissistic need for being the center of attention, triggers his making those things that he says that cause others pain to be intensified, so that even more attention is paid to him. His ability to have attention paid to him, no matter what he says or does, knows no bounds. His assertion that the 2020 election was stolen from him is an example of delusional thinking. When he speaks, his thoughts are often delusional and incoherent and make no sense at all. Over the past four years, his verbalizing of his thoughts has become what is referred to as an incomprehensible word salad.


Of late, he seems to be acting as though the 2024 Presidential Election is already lost, and he is planning to interfere, again, with the peaceful transfer of power from the Biden Presidency to the Harris Presidency. He has his supporters attempting to take over the various voting places and making the accurate counting of votes more difficult, if not impossible. 


Instead of nonwhites from any part of the world poisoning the blood of our American Family, it is Trump, himself, whose words, and behaviors are destroying our Democratic way of life and our democratic institutions. He is unfit for the Oval Office. He needs psychiatric care as he manifests delusional thinking and demonstrates that he has no regard for the needs and feelings of others.  


Maintaining our democratic institutions and way of life is our responsibility as members of ourAmerican Community. We need to demonstrate this responsibility by voting on November 5th for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.


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