Making Sense of What's What

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This blog is devoted to addressing those issues which impact our daily lives. Political, educational, relational and transitional issues are all grist for the mill. Life is personal and my need is to personally share with you those things and issues that impact me and others of us as we move through our daily experiences.

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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Supreme Court That Isn’t And The Candidate Who Shouldn’t Be



In reflecting upon today’s political world, I find that it is unbelievable that we have a potential candidate for the White House who is a pathological liar in addition to being a sociopath. This person is incapable of considering or respecting the feelings and needs of others.  He is delusional, believing that the 2020 election was stolen from him, when it was not. In fact, he is building on that delusional way of viewing reality by insisting that he will only have people around him, if he is elected President, who share his delusional belief that he did win the Presidency in 2020.


He also manifests delusional thinking in that he compares himself second only to Jesus as a savior to all who have been mistreated as he feels he has been. He sees himself as a source of restitution for all of those who are suffering.


He states that he sees himself as an ‘imperial President,’ should he win the election this time. He will weaponize the governmental agencies to attack those in government service who do not agree with his delusional views of reality.  He wants total agreement that his is the only way to view life issues like the state should decide on a woman’s reproductive health issues and not the woman, or her physician. 

He encouraged and has participated to overthrow the peaceful Presidential transition of power and in so doing, committed an act of insurrection. The   Constitution states, in Article Three of the Fourteenth Amendment, that any government elected officer who commits an act of insurrection is automatically disqualified to run for any office in government. And still, he is running for the Oval Office. How is this possible?


He is threatening those who do not agree with him, who do not support his positions, with acts of harassment and acts of violence. Members of the January 6th Committee are concerned about what to expect, should he become President. Such threats can cause someone to be arrested and send to jail for up to 5 years. And he is continuing to make such threats and is still running for the Oval Office. How is this possible?


He wants to go from being a President, who is one of three branches of government, within a Constitutionally based government with checks and balances and where all people are equal under the law, to a dictator who will use National Guard troops to enforce his will on the people.  How can someone who espouses such behaviors run for or become able to be elected as President of the United States? And that is the sad situation in our political world of today.


How do we stop such a recking ball, such poisoning of our Constitutional well, such destructive inclinations to our Democratic Institutions and the rule of law?  We have 6 months to get our house in-order to ensure that such a person is forbidden to succeed in his delusional attempts to destroy our Constitutional Institutions.


Our Courts have let us down with this on-going freak show. Instead of punishing him for insurrection, he can slide. Instead of being arrested for threatening violence, he can go on breaking gag orders during his New York trial. 


What we need is for our courts and legal system to exercise their responsibility and hold anyone, even a former President, who behaves as this person has, accountable for what he says and what he does. He should not be able to run for political office.  He should be jailed for threatening those who oppose his ideas and behaviors. We are all equal under the law. No one, regardless of their wealth or previous positions in life is above the law.


And above all else we must VOTE.  It is a foregone conclusion that this person will never accept that he has lost, and, and it he does lose the election, we will repeat what took place, again, during the 2020 election. We must demand that a repeat of the past four years of does not happen. We must demand that a person who behaves as this person has, be held accountable for his words and behaviors. No one person should be allowed to destroy our democratic institutions and what we hold to be dear and essential to our way of life. Our task is to care, act and demand that those safeguards that exist to protect us from such darkness, are carried out. 













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