Making Sense of What's What

Welcome to Making Sense of What's What!!!

This blog is devoted to addressing those issues which impact our daily lives. Political, educational, relational and transitional issues are all grist for the mill. Life is personal and my need is to personally share with you those things and issues that impact me and others of us as we move through our daily experiences.

Thank you for checking in.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

A Society in Transition

Today, we have a counter revolution of sorts taking place in our midst. The old American way of life was male dominated, with women being viewed as ‘lesser than men.’ A women had no legal rights from the beginning of our nation and didn’t have the right to vote until 1920. Women were treated as a husband’s ‘property.’ They were primarily viewed as mothers and home makers. A woman’s role kept her out of the male dominated world of political discourse. The recent reversal of a woman’s having reproductive rights has served as a reminder of how this male dominated society has worked in the past and can still persist in today’s world.


Even the conservative Christians believed that America was created by God to be run by white males. Today we still have the residual influence of white male dominated ‘Christian Nationalism.’ 


This identity has been carried over with the support of political conservatives who are unable to relinquish their role in our collective American society. Our collective society has become multiracial and multicultural, where there are more nonwhites impacting on our political policies than there are whites. This has prompted efforts to illegally prevent nonwhites from being able to vote.


The impact of these societal changes has brought about a stalemate in our ability to work together in addressing the pressing issues that face us in our daily lives. Those who hold on to a view of life where nonwhites are viewed as threats to American Society are fearful of being politically left on the outside, looking in. Their need and intention are to fight to maintain their political dominance in society. This delusional thinking will only prevent our nation from moving ahead with its evolution as a living organic community that addresses the needs of each one of us.


What are your thoughts?



Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Touching Bases: When Do We Turn the Lights Out on Trump’s Delusions?

 I find it unbelievable that someone with Trump’s history can run, again, for the Presidency of the United States. Psychiatrists and Mental Health Professionals met at Yale University during the beginning of Trump’s showing signs of interest in running for the Presidency. They were clear on their deliberations that he is a sociopath and narcissist, that he is someone with ‘a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration and lack of empathy.’ In essence, he has no ability to consider other peoples’ needs or feelings. They also asserted that he is a pathological liar. He often gives the impression, in the way he expresses himself, that he is play acting out the role of a mafia crime boss. His behavior and speech are often that of a bully.


With that as a snapshot of how Trump is emotionally wired, we also have examples of his disregard for lawful, personal conduct in his social interactions with others. His history of being a sexual predator of woman, his attempting to change the vote in Georgia during the Presidential Election, ‘all I need is another 11,780 votes during a recorded phone conversation with Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. 


Then, there is his attempt to prevent the peaceful transition of power from his administration to the Biden Administration. To this end, he rallied his armed supporters to attack the Capitol and to hunt down Mike Pence with the possibility of hanging Pence for his lack of support in this act of sedition. The act of sedition, alone, should legally prevent Trump from ever, again, running for the Oval Office. He is also a convicted felon on 34 counts of guilt for falsifying business records to cover up his illicit affair with a porn actress, so that his affair would not jeopardize his electability for the Oval Office. 


His disrespect of those who have lost their lives in combat, is despicable and is reflected in his referring to these fallen hero’s’ as ‘losers and suckers.’


He refers to immigrants as ‘poisoning’ the blood of our citizens.

His ripping 5000 immigrant children from their families with no tracking device is still another unforgivable act on his part. And with a background like this, how is it possible for this individual to be allowed to run, again, for the Presidency of the United States? What are your thoughts?

Sunday, August 25, 2024

After the Conventions are Over, What is Our Choice and Our Responsibility?


Today, after the Democratic National Convention, we have two avenues that we can choose to take. The GOP option is to use conspiracy theories, misrepresentations of the truth, talk in terms of creating a dictatorship with no longer having elections, and using force and violence to get back at those who have not been supportive of Trump. This is a dark, delusional, and disregarding of others approach to members of our American Family.


The Democratic National Convention expressed a sense of joy, hope and treating other people as we would want to be treated. The Democrats focused on seeing the someone who is standing before us, to listen to what is being shared, to be supportive of each of us having the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of fulfillment in life, and to have equal standing before the law.  It means that a woman has the right to choose to give birth or not during her pregnancy, she has the right to proper reproductive health care, that we have a right to vote and have our vote counted. In addition, we have the right to a livable wage, medical care and retirement. In essence the Democratic joy and hope that came out of their convention again, translates into our treating one another as we would want to be treated.


The Democratic community has transitioned to a gathering of individuals who give the meeting the needs of each of us priority, over power-oriented politics that have dominated the past four years of Congressional disfunction.  Ours is a choice between an autocracy in which absolute power is held by the autocrat. Or we can decide upon continuing to live in a democracy where state power is vested in the people. Our future is in our hands….


Our responsibility is to VOTE!!!